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Any idea when a new demo will be playable?

i cant get over 20 levels it is impossible am i missing  something

Yeeep, I can feel your pain... 
The boss appears at the end of level 19. He is quite tough. If you haven't invested hearts into upgrading skills it will be very difficult to defeat him. Boosting your defense against enemies might save you. Focus on defending against flies and the troll and click on the boss when he opens his mouth.
The old demo was quite repetitive and difficult. Now we changed the gameplay to more varied and shorter. The new demo will be released this spring ;)

Your game is awesome. 100/100.

Thank you!

When will this update arrive? I've been waiting for 2 months but the update hasn't arrived yet, I'm very curious when it will arrive.


Hi! We're planning to update the demo this spring. The full game will be released this year.



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Is it fully released yet? Love the roguelike game mechanics and the art style of the game btw ^^ good job

Edit: I said the same thing 14 days ago and forgot 💀


Thanks! XD
Full release in 2025

dont know why but cant uncompress this

Hmm... Maybe you trying to uncompress android version? PC version must unzip with 7z.


Love the demo when will the full release happen!!?


Thanks! :D
Full release will be in 2025.

Nice artwork! Will there be more minigames? Anyway, I’ll probably buy it on steam..

Yes, the full version will have more minigames and various activities. Thank you! :)

will the game only be on steam and patreon because i can't buy it there

Steam, Patreon, Boosty, Itch, VK play(maybe)


Hey I managed to start the lolipop minigame as the day ended and it broke the game. The next day when the fridge open the lolipop minigame was on screen, but after I completed it i couldn't click on the food in the soup. Nice art an premise so far though. Keep it up!

Hello! Thank you, we will fix this problem in full version. You should exit game and run it again. This happens if you click on the minigame icon when the girl starts to leave -_-

Love it! I want mooore!


Thank you so much! Our team is working hard to bring the game to you as soon as possible :)

she is so cute

Thank you :)

if you have other art of her, it would make me very happy! in the meantime I'm waiting for the full version for Android

I often post on Twitter and share game spoilers on Patreon

thanks a lot

Can you buy the full version on Android ?

Yep. Android release will be there on itch in 2025


Will the free version eventually have most (or preferably all) content available, or is it always going to just be a demo?

I mean, the art's great, and the gameplay is (perhaps surprisingly) pretty enjoyable, but I don't spend money on porn out of principle.

So if it's the latter, I'll just have to settle for giving my best wishes and moving on with my life, unfortunate as that may be. Either way, you've got a pretty interesting product here. XD

Thank you for your feedback! We’re really glad you enjoyed the art and gameplay :D As for the free version the demo will remain free while the full version will be available for purchase on Steam and other platforms.

Regarding the content, the game will be more erotic than pornographic. There will be steamy scenes but without explicit genitalia — we aim to create an engaging story and interesting characters, not just focus on nudity.

Thank you for your kind words and support! We really appreciate your honesty and hope that when the game is fully released, you’ll consider trying the full version. ^_^

Yeah, maybe "porn" wasn't quite the right word to use, especially since (from what I've seen, anyways) this particular game falls more under "erotica" like you said. (...How a simple lollipop can be so extremely erotic, I couldn't say. But it is what it is, heh.)

As for the demo vs. full game, that is a shame to hear, but I completely understand, too. I can say with confidence that I won't be purchasing the full game, but please don't take that as a reflection on your game in any way: my other hobbies are just so expensive that I simply can't afford to fall into that particular vice, y'know? No matter HOW tempting a title might be.

Anyways, thanks for the swift response, and I really do think you've got something neat here. If nothing else, it's definitely unique. I'd be likely to recommend it on that alone, but the artwork and gameplay make it a solid one, in my book. So you'll have my support in that regard, at least. XD

And again, I hope my question (and this response) aren't taken poorly; my candor isn't always appreciated, sadly... But I mean no offense by it, either.

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Thank you for your detailed and sincere comment! We completely agree that honesty is always better than empty flattery — it helps us see the project from a fresh perspective and make it even better. We're really glad you appreciated the game's uniqueness, its art and gameplay.

We understand that it’s not always possible to invest in new hobbies, but your support and willingness to recommend our game already mean a lot to us.

And, well, I probably shouldn’t say this as a developer, but it’s possible someone might share the full version on forums or torrent sites like F95. So, if that happens, you may still get a chance to try it! :)

you and your game is great !! keep it up

Thank you! ^_^

(2 edits)

могу сказать только то что игра реальный огонь но есть небольшие Баги хоть и редкие + в основном нету сцен +18 а так классно просто надо пофиксить всё и добавить сцен +18 тогда будет  12 из  10 а пока    9.9 из 10

Спасибо!) Будем стараться


I have a note that I would like you to know

On android the words are a little too small, so if you can in the next updates make them bigger that would be nice


Yes, we added an option to adjust the size of dialogue windows in the settings. It will be included in the next version :)

I really enjoyed the demo and would love to see the game grow, maybe even with an open world somehow and a sandbox, where u need to help multiple girls or something like that, regardless ill bow down for this work

Thank you! We started this game as a small project to help us find a team and resources for future, larger ideas ^_^
I don't think we will create an open world in this game, that would require a lot of work, time and resources -_-

I'm very excited to this game

I loved it and I have high hopes for the full version

I think it just need more things like abilities which I think you're adding already and some extended storyline and world building with some explanation would be perfect, and maybe later on you could add another Protagonist like dwarf or something maybe in a dlc ? I don't know, you pick and do what you feel is the best and I will be happy to try it


Thank you!
Dwarf Protagonist?Wow... It sounds like completely different game :D

Well I mean I just said that as an example

you could add anything you want :)


Yep, nice idea ;)


I saw your devpost, and I didn't realize that there was a boss in the demo. I figured everything would be done with once you buy all the upgrades. And I've gotta say, things get very legitimately difficult and hectic near the end there. Not what I usually expect from a clicker game, honestly, but unlike a lot of clicker games, it didn't make me want to pull out an auto-clicker. Can't wait for the next update to see some of the stuff you teased in the end-of-demo screen, because I especially love the teases for the new upgrades to the lollipop minigame.

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed our game!^_^
We will try to fix the difficult sections in the future.

No, I like the difficulty. A lot of clicker games are boringly easy, which makes this one very refreshing. Plus, the game has lots of upgrades, so I imagine that, if you're really struggling, you can just grind and buy more upgrades. Although, if you're really worried about it, you should add multiple different difficulty modes.

I’m glad you enjoyed the game. Yes, we’ll consider adding an extra difficulty level in the full game ;)

I didn’t know it was a clicker game, but it was no disappointment! The game is addictive af!
I can’t wait for what’s next!
Take care!

Thank you! :D

This is one of the best game that I ever played :)

Very nice work !

Oh, thank you! :) That’s very kind words!


I tried this just because it seemed interesting but I was surprised by it's quality, just like a good soup. Keep going at this rate and you'll have a very nice game on your hands. I'll certainly be back to check on your progress.

I’m glad you enjoyed our game. Thank you for your feedback! ;)


2024 for keeps delivering PEAK developers!


Thanks! ^_^


Love the game so far! The upgrade scenes are all great, the lollipop animation is AMAZING (and props to whoever did the voicework for that, it's really hot), hell, even the feminine bug enemies are great! Although, I'm a bit unclear at what the twerking fly does. I feel like it should do something more than just sit there, if it doesn't already. Maybe, like, increase other bug spawn rates?

Also, I think you should add a way to replay unlocked scenes. I know that it's not that hard at the moment, since you can just replay the game to see them again, but once the game gets to having more upgrades, and more scenes to go with them, it'll be harder to see them again. Also, it would be a good idea to make a way to save your progress, for the same reasons, since you might not have time to do an entire run in one sitting.


Thank you for the detailed feedback! :) I’m glad you enjoyed the game. Yes, we will add saves in the full version. There will also be an option to rewatch the story scenes too ;)

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Похоже я пропустил весь контент 18+, потому что со второй попытки прокачал суп до 20 лв и убил боса, игра закончилась, а я даже не прокачал первые испытания было 50 сердец:( Сама игра очень забавная... Эльфийка огонь, и хотелось бы в будущем видеть сцены с орком, щупальцами и побольше 18+ контента.

Мощь! :) Игроки разные и далеко не все босса побить могут сейчас. Поэтому в будущем планируем ввести уровни сложности ещё. Но не на количество кликов, а на врагов и сложных боссов.


10 банок пива из 10 кв-2

В демки конечно не играю, но буду следить) Задумка вполне себе, а рисовка мое почтение

Спасибо, стараемся! ;) Задача у демки была простая: выявить проблемные места. И она с этим справилась :D Сидим и чиним сейчас.

Что насчет бусти? Планируется такое дело?

(+1) Да, бусти имеется. Собираю там на оплату работы команды :)

Выглядит очень круто, буду ждать обнов)


Спасибо большое! Мы постараемся улучшить демо к следующему релизу :)

is it just clicker gameplay? O_o


Yes, it's a clicker, but with enemies, bosses, and roguelite elements. We also took a bit from visual novels :)